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Gynecological Surgeries - Laparoscopic Way

Minimal Pain & Minimal Discomfort
Dr Yasmin Imdad is well experienced in conducting Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgeries. Here the surgeries are performed in a way that fosters minimal pain, minimal blood loss, faster healing, faster recovery, and short hospital stays, making it easier to get back to your normal routine. The most commonly conducted surgeries are listed below and now you can consult her at our clinic.

Total Lap Hysterectomy

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It is the surgical procedure done to remove the reproductive parts of your system including the uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes.

The procedure is done by making a small incision on your abdomen to insert the instruments to remove the parts of your reproductive organs.
There are two types of Hysterectomy, that is partial hysterectomy and total lap hysterectomy. In a partial hysterectomy, just the uterus is removed and the cervix is left intact.

Whereas in a total lap hysterectomy, both the uterus and cervix are removed and in special conditions, fallopian tubes are removed too.For this surgical procedure, the patient is expected to stay in the hospital for another two days for close monitoring.

Lap Myomectomy

It is an invasive treatment done to remove fibroid growths.

Lap Myomectomy is the surgical procedure done to remove the fibroids in the uterus. The surgery is done with the help of a small telescopic instrument to see the inside of the abdomen and by making 4-5 small incisions to remove the fibroid.

Hormones and genetics do play a major role in the growth of fibroids and hormones like estrogen and progesterone do affect the growth too.

Heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual periods lasting more than a week, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urination, difficulty emptying the bladder, and constipation are the most common symptoms of fibroid growth.
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Lap Salphingectomy

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Lap Salpingectomy is done to remove one or both the fallopian tubes and is usually done as a treatment procedure for ectopic pregnancy.

It is a minimally invasive surgery performed using a thin instrument with a light and camera at the end.

The instrument is inserted using a small incision made in your abdomen. During this procedure, your abdomen is inflated with gas for the surgeon's better vision of your internal organs.

Further, salpingectomy does not affect ovarian or hormone function.

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

It is a minimally invasive surgery, where the surgeon makes one-two small incisions on the abdomen to have a clear view of the organs inside.

This pain-free surgery is done for abdominal examination by doctors for intra-abdominal diseases.

For this procedure, a small tube is used to inflate your abdomen, thereby helping the doctor to have a better view of the internal abdominal organs. Diagnostic

Laparoscopy is usually done when X-ray and ultrasound results aren't sufficient to find out the cause of the disease and fix a treatment strategy.
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Hysteroscopic Polypectomy

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It is a surgical procedure that is performed to remove uterine polyps preserving the uterus.

The procedure of Hysteroscopic Polypectomy is used to diagnose and correct the uterine conditions of polyps and fibroid growth.

Uterine Polyps are non-cancerous growths of cells that are grown in the inner lining of the uterine walls.

For this procedure, a thin lighted telescope-like device is inserted through the incisions made on the abdomen. It is suggested to empty your bladder before starting the procedure.


It is a surgical procedure that allows the surgeon to have a thorough look at the inside of your uterus. It's carried out using a hysteroscope, which is a narrow telescope with a light and camera at the end.

Hysteroscopy is done for symptoms like heavy periods, unusual vaginal bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, pelvic pain, repeated miscarriages, or difficulty getting pregnant, etc.

It can also diagnose conditions – such as fibroids and polyps (non-cancerous growths in the uterus).

The procedure is non-invasive, and proper care and medications have to be taken care of after the procedure as per the guidance from the doctor.
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